Welcome to version 5.03.XX of GuppY, the easy web portal database free.
Version 5.03.XX of GuppY is not just a plain evolution but a full-fledged revolution for this major new version brings quite a lot of new features in all respects.
Must have additionnal documents to this readme file:
Please read CAREFULLY all instructions material provided before you ask a question on the GuppY forum available on Guppy site (http://www.freeguppy.org/).
Why is this so? Simply because more than 90% of questions asked on GuppY forum have been answered in the help texts. And please, before you post your question on the forum, don't forget to check whether it has not already been dealt with.
All technical questions should be posted exclusively on the forum.
This has the advantage of allowing the whole community of GuppY users to share in your question and make the most of given answers.
As far as thanks and other nice comments are concerned, think of the Guest book on freeGuppY website ... Thank you so much!
Eventually, if you do need to write us for some other reason than technical, please use the email addresse guppy[at]freeguppy.org which is available to all GuppY Team staff.
Enjoy your reading!
GuppY Team
Version 5.03.XX of GuppY has been stuffed with loads of new features and improvements to provide as many services as possible.
GuppY 5.03.XX can be installed on all hosters systems (or nearly). The only constraint is about your hoster providing service of script language PHP. GuppY will run under PHP 5.6 at the minimum.
No need to be a geek at HTML, or at configuration of MySQL databases, or PHP, because GuppY comes with a full-fledged secured administration interface to manage design and contents of every particular section of your site.
GuppY offer the whole array of usual features in a modern web portal:
- news
- articles
- blog
- links directory
- downloas section
- photos slideshow
- guest book
- forum
- poll
- visits counter
- clicks and download counters
- newsletter
- administration area
- optionalmember area, private groups
- url rewriting
- ... and so much more.
GuppY brings an ORIGINAL management with big added value: besides being natively MULTILINGUAL, it allows you to set up a dual language display, so that your site is BILINGUAL- i.e you may choose to display your site in two languages, but Guppy will not do the translation job for you.
If you want to install your site directly on an online hosting, then send all the unzipped files on the FTP of your site with a simple FTP client program (FileZilla, FireFtp (module for Firefox), etc.).).
And that's all, you just have to type the URL of your site in the address bar of your browser to find yourself on your site "online".
Congratulations, you have successfully installed GuppY!
On your online space, you can install a blank database by running install/install.php.
If you do not plan to install a blank database, delete the install/ directory, otherwise anyone who would run it would destroy all the content of your website!
You now have a running GuppY but you feel like upgrading it. What you must understand in the first place is how the different versions of GuppY have been named.
A Guppy version is identified by five numbers, e.g. 5.03.XX The first two digits indicate the main version of Guppy whereas the third one is the corrective patch number of the main version.
In 5.01.07, main version is 5.01 and this version holds 07 corrections of the main version.
When upgrading, you will have to make a choice: either your Guppy is already running on the last version available, or it is a previous version. In the former case, you have to add a patch to your running GuppY, and in the latter, you'll have to migrate from the old version of GuppY to the latest one.
Upgrade from the same main version (applying the latest patch)
Your GuppY is already in the 5.01.xx version and you want to upgrade. To achieve this, you can download patches on Freeguppy. (http://www.freeguppy.org/). And again there are two cases: either your Guppy is in the previous version (for instance 5.01.06 to be upgraded to 5.01.07), or it is in an older version (5.01.xx or 5.00.XX).Installation with Installer
Once relevant zip archive of the patch has been downloaded, go to Admin, then general Management and Install.
Click "Browse" to choose zip archive, another click to lozd the file and a last one to install.
And you're done; tour site has been patched in the latest version of GuppY.
Attention: if your hoster restrains upload_max_filesize function to 2M for instance, you might not being able to use function "Install" zip archivesexceeding 2Mo.
You will then have to ask your hoster to increase it up to 10M for instance. With Free, which still restrains at 2M, your request will probably be ignored.
Upgrade from a previous main version (migration)
Important : the migration script is intended for websites running with version 4.6.28 of GuppY.
The evolution of version 5 is so substantial that it was not possible to provide a migration from older versions .
If your website runs on an older version of GuppY, you will have to first migrate to 4.6.28 before doing it to 5.03.XX.
That's all, your site has been migrated to version 5.03.xx of GuppY !!!
If the install/ directory still exists but is empty (delete it then by FTP, your host does not allow it to be deleted by PHP).
If you can no longer see the install/ directory, it means that everything went well.
Now you can proceed to the complete configuration of your site, change the skin, reorganize your site if necessary.
Finally, it is recommended to carry out one or more integrity checks to ensure that no errors are made.
Click "Configurations, then"General Config" icon to check that the boxes "Site's URL :" and "Meta Identifier URL :" are properly filled in with the EXACT address of the site (ex: http://www.mywebsite.com/ )
When you're done with general configuration, you can see the seven sections of the dropdown menu on the administration page.
When hovering mouse pointer, each section will open and the icns of this section show.
The whole management of your site is grouped together in these sections.
You will find all needed explanations in the Guppt Help Centre, all pieces of advice and tips to help you customise your site.
Note : In GuppY 5.03.xx, the management page is entirely independant from the other pages..
GuppY works thanks to the latest web technologies.
To understand how it works, let's go back to the way a traditional web page is created. In a classical web page, you input some text in the middle of which you insert some HTML (acronym of Hyper Text Markup Language) tags that tell to the web browser (Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer for example) how to place and format the different components (text, images, links...) in the page.
You then need to manually link the different pages between them using the HTML linking tag. And, each time you want to change the look & feel of your web site, you have to work back on all pages... This is a heavy and tedious job, and you easily come to spend more time managing the formatting of your pages than their content !
Now there are full web programming languages that allow you to manage the Internet content like any software that runs on your PC.
GuppY uses the most used of them being PHP (which stands for Hypertext PreProcessor).
The principle of GuppY is the following one : the content (which is stocked in a little "textfile" database) is separated from the formating (which is managed by the PHP scripts that make GuppY)
And, we then get what is called a CMS (abbreviation of Content Management System). So that eventually, you only have to input the information in the appropriated areas (articles, news, etc...) using an administration interface (which you reach through the Admin icon at the top right corner of the screen) and GuppY takes care of the management and the formatting of this information according to the clicks of your web site's visitors.
As HTML tagging is allowed, you can use all HTML tags that you want (IMG, A, B, I, U, etc...) in articles, news, links, etc. Check and make sure each time that these tags don't prevent your website to display correctly. By the way, your site will be beautiful too even if you don't use HTML tags.
Note : Visitors to your site can themselves post news, messages in the guestbook or in the forum. The use of HTML tags has been slightly restricted for them, in order to avoid any interference with your site's smooth display, but a tiny editor helps them use most usual tags.
You have 5 available directories to store specific objects (through the use of the Files icon):
Another important directory managing the look of your pages has been added: it is /skins. In that directory you put the skins of your site.
Templates possibilities have actually been really improved in this version5.03.XX. Full customisation is possible depending on how well you can deal with cascading style sheets (CSS.
Some more useful information :
The different configuration sections of the layout of your site have been gathered in an admin/Configurations area.
The first icon, Themes Config , allows to specify the general designs of the site (default skin, smileys, avatars et general design theme) and themes specific to the selected skin (icons, counters).
The new version of Config look allows you to create a skin, modify colors and graphics of the current skin or any other standard skin!
Don't forget to click on Save configuration to automatically generate the css style sheet.
It is a "generic" style sheet that you can totally customize by adding your customizations in the styleplus.css with style config. The file styleplus.css is automatically loaded to display your personal changes.
Do not make manual corrections in the style.css file, remember that they will be lost if you regenerate the style again by the automatic procedure. You must reserve your manual corrections to the styleplus file to keep them even if you generate the style.css again. It may be necessary to refresh the page to see the result.
Please refer to the tutorial for using Config Look, available on this link.
If you want to use the no_skin, you will first have to make a copy of the no_skin and name it with the name of your choice.
Then you can change the colors and graphics as for the no_skin.
This modification has been made to keep the no_skin in its original state so that it will be displayed in case of a crash of an added skin.
If your changes are not saved, this indicates that you need to modify the rights (chmod) for confskin.inc and for style sheets
The administration page is completely independent and is not managed by skins in the skins directory.
- Internal operation
Let's say it one more time, GuppY does not require the use of a database like MySQL. This provides a great flexibility and many advantages :
Running Guppy means that your browser can manage style sheets CSS and HTML language in version 5 .
GuppY shows smoothly with FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge all recent browsers.
It has been tested with these browsers, but your feedback with other borwsers will be welcome.
- Filed upload
Some hosters restrain the upload function HTTP. Function "Files" in admin will then be restrained, say at 2Mo. In that case, your favourite FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software will do the job.
- Content sharing between sites in RSS format
In that case, the news sharing module between sites in RSS format will not work.
- How to access the mobile version of GuppY ?
If your site is accessed this way: http://www.yoursite.com/here/ (for example), then the mobile version (which is a lightened version of GuppY aimed for smartphone users and blind people) is easily and automatically accessed this way: http://www.yoursite.com/here/mobile/. Just put a link in your web site for telling your mobile visitors how to access it.
GuppY is protected and distributed freely under the terms of the free CeCILL license (see pages/copyright-en.txt file). It means that you can use this script for free, modify it for your own use. If you distribute a modified version of it, this modified version has to comply to the CeCILL license as well. Please follow our recommendations about copyright concerning version 5 and following.
* About GuppY
* GuppY PHP Script - version 5.03
* CeCILL Copyright (C) 2004-2017 by Laurent Duveau
* Initiated by Laurent Duveau and Nicolas Alves
* Web site = http://www.freeguppy.org/
* e-mail = guppy[at]freeguppy.org
* V5 developed by Lud Bienaimé
* with the participation of Jean-Michel Misrachi and the GuppY Team
* Latest changes :
* v5.0.0 (February 15, 2014) : initial release.
- Logos Powered by GuppY andFree CeCILL License that come with GuppY packages and patches are compulsory at the bottom of each page of Guppy sites.
They musn't be hidden in any way (CSS, images, videos, code modification, logosin matching or others).
The only permission is granted to modify the shapes and colours of these logos to match at best with the graphic charter of the concerned site, taking care not to make them little or not visible.
- The logo Powered by GuppY shall take through the associated link to the url http://www.freeguppy.org
- Le logo CeCILL Free License shall take through the associated link to the url http://www.cecill.info/index.fr.html
- The plugins, forks and skins must include files headings under CeCILL license and complying with its rules.
An exception is made for the author who does not submit his work to any license. In that case, the author's right and intellectual property will applyle.
- Translations oh language files or others shall be under original CECCILL License.
- Translations of the FAQ and various ddocumentations must also with no exceptioe under original CECCILL License.
- Toute borrowing of article, news, post, FAQ, documentations post on the forum of www.freeguppy.org or the satellite sites under controll of the GuppYTeam and the Asso freeGuppY shall include a quotation of its source with a direct link to the original.
We appreciate your support
All members of the GuppY Team are volunteers; they are involved in development, follwing-up, updates of the sites on their spare time and nights according to their possibilities.
We thank you very much to keep this in mind when posting your comments..
If you like GuppY and you wish to help us promote and develop it, you are very welcome.
If you like GuppY, you can indeed do a lot and distribute skins, plugins, forks and contribute to promoting GuppY by referencing it on specialised sites and directories.
You've been participating in the project for a while, and wish to get involved further, then please contact us!
You application will be put to the vote of the Team, and the majority will decide your coming in or not.
Here are a few ideas to improve it and for which your help will be more than welcome (there are improvements for all kinds of good willing people):
If you would like to gert involved but not in the depths of the software?
The freeGuppY association keeps looking for members and volunteers to take on all the tasks linked with GuppY, or plainly take a subscription or make a donation to the association.
Any amount will be very much appreciated; it's the gesture that counts
To make a donation or pay your subscription, just type in the desired amount next to the Paypal button, then click this PayPal button (secured transaction) :
We enjoy your support
please fill in the form below :Subscription form |
To contact freeGuppY association, simply go to the following address: https://asso.freeguppy.org/.
To contact the asso freeGuppY, just go to this address : http://asso.freeguppy.org/
Several scripts are being used in version 5.03.XX of GuppY, you will find the list below.
We do address all our thanks to their authors for their work and for choosing licencesallowing their scripts to be freely used.
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
Color picker
Author: Stefan Petre www.eyecon.ro
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
Contact: via sourceforge.net support pages (also www.worxware.com)
Info: http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net
Authors: Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) codeworxtech@users.sourceforge.net
: Marcus Bointon (coolbru) coolbru@users.sourceforge.net
License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
by Lokesh Dhakar - http://www.lokeshdhakar.com
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
- free for use in both personal and commercial projects
- attribution requires leaving author name, author link, and the license info intact
Author: Markus F. Hay
Website: http://lytebox.com (http://dolem.com/lytebox)
Date: January 26, 2012
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Current authors: Serban Ghita <serbanghita@gmail.com>
Nick Ilyin <nick.ilyin@gmail.com>
Original author: Victor Stanciu <vic.stanciu@gmail.com>
License Code and contributions have 'MIT License'
More details: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
HTML Purifier
Author: Edward Z. Yang
License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Author: Ivan Sagalaev <maniac@softwaremaniacs.org>
Website: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles
Modified by Lud Bienaimé (Saxbar) for GuppY v5.03.00+
License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
Unite Gallery
general purpose responsive gallery jquery plugin created: 06/20/2014 by valiano email: web.power.net@gmail.com
Modified by Lud Bienaimé (Saxbar) for GuppY v5.03.00+
License: MIT License
Product Link: unitegallery.net
Liquid Slider
A Responsive jQuery HTML Content Slider
By Kevin Batdorf - Update August 2017...
Slider is a little dated but still works as well as ever.
- The informal team :
aldweb - (That's me!, from France), GuppY's creator and main developper.- e-mail : info@aldweb.com- Web site : http://www.aldweb.com/
JeandePeyrat - (The "Servers'servant!), GuppY Team administrator, president of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, freeGuppY servers maintenance has no secrets for Jean.
Papinou - (The "wizard of CSS"), GuppY Team administrator, Treasurer of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, interested in everything concerning CSS style sheets and not bad at all at English!
Saxbar - (The "composer and musician" of php), Since August 2011 all GuppY versions rose from his keyboard, and this will not surprise you as computing, php and javascript writing and last but not least music are his passions
DJchouix - (The scientist), a great developper has been working noiselessy for so many years. He is the author of the new GuppY editors.
La Vache Qui Rêve - The dreaming cow! as she has named herself - But she is so much more feminine and subtle than that! - (GuppYed, tutos) - GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist in addition to keeping our stable tidy.
Fred68 - (GuppYed, tutos) - GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist, an excellent tutorial for CKEditor is one of his major works.
Sabine - our design fairy, will in a trice dress up a lovely layout for GuppY, made in Quebec. Check out tht tutorial skins 5.0.0!
Laroche - a GuppY geek who knows all subtleties and cogs on his fingertips, and not the least of squeak-killers!
jerlal - (GuppYLand) GuppYLand administrator, alpha versions beta-tester , or fierce squeak-buster ...
Distinctive thanks to our friends:
- Saxbar who, since August 2011, has carried out the developement of version 5 with persistence and panache, keeping on the lookout innovating solutions !
- JeanMi for his invaluable help, his advice, the accurate solutions he comes up with due to his perfect knowledge of GuppY!
- Sabine for her skins and her excellent tutorial, Lavachequireve, JeandePeyrat et Papinou for the realisation of the help system and Corrector for proof-reading and translation!
Thank you to all members of the GuppY Team, all the beta-testers, among which BTSCPIfr, dipisoft, equitathome, Ludo, Phil-ogm, Roule, rvknobzh
We very plainly say than you, for this gorgeous version 5 made available to Guppy users.
Many thanks to all those who submit improvement ideas,Many thanks to all those who post comment or send warm encouragements.
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