GuppY 5.03.00

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The informal team

The informal team :

- GuppY's creator and main developper.
- e-mail :
- Web site :
- JeandePeyrat, GuppY Team administrator, president of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, freeGuppY servers maintenance has no secrets for Jean.

- Papinou, administrator GuppY Team, Treasurer of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, interested in everything concerning CSS style sheets and not bad at all at English!

- Saxbar, Since August 2011 all GuppY versions rose from his keyboard, and this will not surprise you as computing, php and javascript writing and last but not least music are his passions

- Djchouix, a great developper has been working noiselessy for so many years. He is the author of the new GuppY editors.

- GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist in addition to keeping our stable tidy.

- GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist, an excellent tutorial for CKEditor is one of his major works.

- GuppYLand administrator, alpha versions beta-tester , or fierce squeak-buster ...

Creation date : 26/04/2017 17:18
Last update : 26/04/2017 17:18
Category : GuppY community
Page read 20461 times

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