GuppY 5.03.00

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Configurating your website:

  1. Begin with registering as member on your own website ("Préférences box","Become a member").
  2. Click the Admin icon in the top bar, on the right handside.

   - First compulsory step:

 Click "Configurations, then"General Config" icon to check that the boxes "Site's URL :" and "Meta Identifier URL :" are properly filled in with the EXACT address of the site (ex: )

In case of doubt, the following method will automatically fill in the two boxes:

Management of your site

 When you're done with general configuration, you can see the seven sections of the dropdown menu on the administration page.

When hovering mouse pointer, each section will open and the icns of this section show.

 The whole management of your site is grouped together in these sections.

 You will find all needed explanations in the Guppt Help Centre, all pieces of advice and tips to help you customise your site.

Note : In GuppY 5.03.xx, the management page is entirely independant from the other pages..

Creation date : 20/05/2019 11:55
Last update : 20/05/2019 11:55
Category : GuppY
Page read 55563 times

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